Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Kucinich: Bush Has No Backup Plan for Iraq, Forfeits Right To Lead

Ohio Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich's congressional website posted the following press release.

Kucinich: Bush Has No Backup Plan for Iraq, Forfeits Right To Lead
Congress Must End the War; HR 1234 Is the Backup Plan

Washington, Mar 5 - WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 5) — The Washington Post reported today that the Administration does not have a backup strategy for Iraq. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace said, “Plan B was to make Plan A work.”

“The Administration is claiming there is no backup plan because they intend to remain in Iraq indefinitely,” Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said.

“The Administration did not have a backup plan for the invasion or for dealing with the insurgency. They did not have a backup plan for how to take care of our service members and veterans. The reconstruction program has been a constant failure.

“There is no backup plan to provide energy or jobs for Iraqis. This Administration’s idea of a backup plan is to provide more war and chaos,” Kucinich said. “The Administration is in denial that they have a failed policy. This is completely unacceptable. What we need is a workable plan that is a viable backup to this Administration’s failed plan.”

Last week, Kucinich introduced HR 1234, a plan for the United States to use existing money to bring the troops and necessary equipment home and transition to an international security and peacekeeping force. The legislation was drafted with expert advice from those involved in international peacekeeping missions, the United Nations and the U.S. military.

“This is a practical, workable plan that will stabilize Iraq and get our troops home quickly,” Kucinich said.

“Congress must take action to change the course of the war in Iraq. We must take the first step by asserting our constitutional power to end the war by cutting off funds. The money is there right now to bring our troops home.

“We should be focusing on bringing our troops home instead of leaving them in Iraq to die or to be permanently injured. The next two weeks will be a test of whether Congress will keep faith with the American people who voted last November for a new direction in Iraq -- and that direction is out.”

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